How Does CPI Insurance Operate? What Is Covered? How Much Does It Cost?

By | February 4, 2022

Lenders frequently demand CPI insurance, also known as collateral protection insurance, as a condition of a loan arrangement. When a borrower defaults on a loan, CPI insurance is meant to safeguard the lender’s collateral, which is typically a car.

We’ll examine CPI insurance in more detail in this post, including how it functions, what it covers, and how to decide if you need it.

What Is the CPI Insurance Process?

The lender will normally demand that the borrower maintain a specific level of insurance coverage on the car when the borrower takes out a loan to buy one. This insurance is intended to safeguard the lender’s collateral in the event that the car is stolen, damaged, or destroyed.

However, the lender may buy CPI insurance on the borrower’s behalf if the borrower doesn’t keep up the necessary insurance coverage or if their insurance policy expires for any reason.

The cost of CPI insurance is added to the borrower’s loan total because it is often more expensive than conventional insurance plans.

The lender may make advantage of the CPI insurance to recover the remaining loan balance in the event that the borrower fails on the loan.

For instance, if the vehicle is repossessed and sold for $8,000 but the borrower still owes $10,000 on the loan, the CPI insurance might pay the remaining $2,000 in debt.

What Is Covered by CPI Insurance?

In the event that the borrower is unable to make loan payments, CPI insurance is intended to safeguard the lender’s collateral. Therefore, CPI insurance often covers the same kinds of occurrences as conventional auto insurance policies, including:

Theft – In the event that a car is stolen and not found, CPI insurance will frequently pay for the loss of the vehicle.

In the event that a car is damaged in an accident, collision-only CPI insurance will frequently pay for the necessary repairs or replacements.

Damage from fire, flood, or vandalism are just examples of the additional forms of damage that CPI insurance may cover for the car.

It’s significant to understand that CPI insurance is not intended to safeguard the borrower’s possessions inside the car. The borrower will need to get a different insurance policy if they want to cover their belongings in the car.

What Is the Price of CPI Insurance?

The worth of the vehicle, the borrower’s credit history, and the level of coverage required by the lender are a few variables that can affect the cost of CPI insurance. The cost of CPI insurance is added to the borrower’s loan total because it is often more expensive than conventional insurance plans.

While some lenders would insist on a certain minimum level of protection, others might let borrowers pick their own coverage levels. When choosing a loan, it’s critical for borrowers to be aware of the cost of CPI insurance and to include it in their overall loan costs.

Is CPI Insurance Required?

Depending on what your lender requires, you could or might not need CPI insurance. Your lender may demand that you keep a specific level of insurance coverage on the vehicle if you are taking out a loan to buy it. Your lender might buy CPI insurance on your behalf if you don’t keep up the needed coverage.

It’s crucial to verify with your lender if you’re confused about whether or not you require CPI insurance. Your lender will be able to notify you of the insurance necessities for your loan, including whether CPI insurance is required.

It’s also crucial to remember that CPI insurance cannot replace customary motor insurance. According to state regulations, if you own a car and use it on public highways, you must keep a specified amount of insurance coverage.


Lenders often stipulate that borrowers must have CPI insurance as a condition of the loan agreement in order to safeguard the lender’s assets in the event that the borrower defaults on the loan. The cost of CPI insurance is added to the borrower’s loan debt and often covers occurrences like theft, collisions, and other sorts of vehicle damage.

When choosing a loan, it’s critical for borrowers to be aware of the cost of CPI insurance and to include it in their overall loan costs. The lender’s standards will decide whether or not CPI insurance is essential, thus it’s crucial to check with the lender to find out if CPI insurance is required.

Although CPI insurance is intended to safeguard the lender’s collateral, it is crucial for borrowers to understand that it does not serve as a replacement for conventional auto insurance. According to state regulations, if you own a car and use it on public highways, you must keep a specified amount of insurance coverage.

In general, CPI insurance can offer significant protection for both lenders and borrowers, but it’s critical for borrowers to comprehend the terms of their loan agreement and insurance needs in order to make wise financial decisions.

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